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Wed, 05 Jun 2002

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posted 06:49 section Europe2002/Oceania/Australia/Before Leaving ( all photos )

Train's the way to go ( No photos )
We're on the train on the way to work, Liz is reading the paper, and I thought I'd throw together a quick rant incase anyone is interested. I'm sure nobody is, but it might make me feel better.
One of the things you need to get a Visa or Entry Clearance into the UK is evidence of how much money you have to get you by. This typically comes in the form of a bank statement.
This would not normally be a problem, except for the fact that my latest bank statement never made it to me. "Fine", I thought, "I'll just go into a branch and get a new one." How naieve I was.
Upon arriving at the branch near work of the bank in question, I went to the admittedly helpful teller (or clerk or Personal Finance Enginner, whatever...), and bestowed upon her my tale of woe. It was then that the first problem came through. Their computer system could, wait for it, only print me out the transactions since my last statement was issued.
How helpful! For the Visa application, you need to show a full month's transactions, which of course this "transaction listing" (not even a statement, and which I was about to be charged $4 for the privilege of recieving) did not.
So, I went home, rang the statement help line, listened to an eternity of on-hold music, and eventually spoke to an operator who informed me that their computer system was just as useless. He offered to send me an "official" version of the same "transaction listing" (ie. less than one month's worth), which I accepted and arrived a few days ago. However, it would take, wait for it, one to two weeks for someone to find my missing statement, and send me a copy, which would be marked "duplicate".
Aaaah, making life easier for the customer. Love it!
So, my Visa application is now waiting for someone at the bank to wander around the place, find my statement (it seems that they can't actually get it out of their computer system, even though their Internet Banking system can go back 100 days), copy it, stamp it and send it to me.
My rant is over, and I'll keep you posted on the application status...

(permanent link to this story)
