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Tue, 16 Jul 2002

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posted 16:05 section Europe2002/Oceania/Australia/Before Leaving ( all photos )

Rolling Along Nicely... ( No photos )
It seems that perhaps most of the hardest stuff is out of the way. This is quite a nice feeling!
Sure, we've still got to organise vehicles, jobs, mobiles, bird cages, cars, music, itinerary, tax and a bas, but we're getting somewhere at least :)
It looks like friends of ours Zadro and Jane will move into our place and take over the looking after of Lucky (pictured left), which is nice of them.
There's also a back up plan, so when they get sick of looking at her and/or dealing with her annoying ways, they can palm her off to some other poor unsuspecting victim. Hooray for choice.
There's a minor problem with our itinerary which I hope to have sorted Real Soon Now, and we still haven't organised accomodation in London. I'm waiting to hear back from some friends who are going to buy a place there, as any money we can save in a city as expensive as London has to be a good thing.
Meeting up with Meaghan again should be good, so that's definately something we're looking forward to, although I suspect I won't get a word in edge-wise as the girls do some hard-core catching up.
Oh, and in a funny twist to last month's bank statement fiasco, guess what arrived in the mail a few days ago? Yes - a very late bank statement, original version. Glad I chased it when I did.
Thats all for now...

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