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Mon, 26 Aug 2002

author Tim location Beckenham, London, England
posted 13:59 BST section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/London 1 ( all photos )

Connectivity Again ( 4 photos )
Just a quick note now that we've found an Internet café not five minutes walk from where we are staying. Good stuff.
Our money isn't going to go far here - everything is just about the right price, if you change the pound sign (which I still haven't found on my laptop) into a dollar sign. You just have to forget the exchange rate and everything is fine!
We had a great breakfast this morning, and have spent the remainder catching up with Meaghan, looking at photos, etc. It's nice and relaxing. The jet lag isn't too bad - I just managed to convince my body that inserting an extra nine hours into the day is perfectly normal. Liz seems ok as well, which is great.
Gotta go - this is costing a lot, and there's still emails to reply to - keep them coming!

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