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Wed, 28 Aug 2002

author Tim location London, England
posted 10:14 BST section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/London 1 ( all photos )

Quick word from Tim ( 2 photos )
Well, the laptop seems to have survived Liz's update, so perhaps she'll be allowed to do some more in the future, by popular demand!
The Singapore movie is now online! Click the movie icon on the left to view it. It's around 4.3MB, and as before, you may need to install QuickTime to view it. Make sure your speakers are turned on, and be sure to let us know what you think!
The camera will be gone for two or three weeks, so no photos unless we find cheap development and a scanner somehwere.

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author Liz location London, England
posted 09:16 BST section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/London 1 ( all photos )

Trip to Portugal ( 2 photos )
Well, Tim has finally released his grip on his precious laptop, so now its my turn to tell you about all of our latest exciting adventures!
We now have a mobile number - have a look on the Contact page above for details.
We spent yesterday getting to know a small part of London. Our travels took us to Big Ben, Westminster Cathedral, London Bridge and The Tower Bridge. Unfortunately we can't show you any photos, because Tim's camera has gone on a holiday of its own. To Portugal.
As you may remember, the digital camera has been playing up the last few days, so yesterday we took it to the UK Olympus Head Office. Once there we found an exceptionally nice pom (not at all whingey!), who tried to fix the camera, failed, and then sent it off to Portugal to be fixed. So now we just have my 35mm 'normal' camera.
Tim has been very eager to sample every beer in every pub we have come across (and there seem to be an excessive amount of pubs around here), so I have had to accompany him as The Official Drinking Buddy, and assist him in his quest to drink all the beer in London. Luckily they have some tasty (if very expensive) girl drinks in all the places we have visited so far!
Breakfast at our B&B is still very tasty and filling, so we have been surving on that, a small snack and a pub dinner the last few days, but it is very tempting to try food in all the trendy little pubs, cafes and food type establishments.

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