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Mon, 28 Oct 2002

author Tim location Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales
posted 08:13 GMT 29/10/2002 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/Wales/North Wales ( all photos )

Into Northern Wales ( 1 photo )
(Continued from Carlisle 2).
It does all get quite different fairly suddenly as you go over the border, in terms of signs being in Welsh and also more subtley in terms of the general "feel" of the place. Hard to describe.
We came into Wales along the North coast, with no particular target other than a Tourist Information place. Which was closed for the season. So, next thought was to get some accommodation. After driving around with no idea where we were (back roads are quite messy here), looking for a B&B or similar, we stumbled upon a large town.
Still not knowing what town it was, we found a pub with accommodation which looked reasonable, and went inside. Speaking to the owner, we organised a room, negotiated rates, and had a pint while we awaited our room to be cleaned.
We eventually found out what the town was called by reading the notices on the corkboard! We had dinner here, and promptly crashed into bed.
Nearly breakfast time, we're going down hoping that the horrible Elton John muzak which seemed to be on infinite loop yesterday is at least called off for breakfast.
First stop is an "i", to work out what exactly is worth seeing in Wales in general.

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author Tim location Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales
posted 08:13 GMT 29/10/2002 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/Carlisle/Carlisle 2 ( all photos )

Who needs plans? ( 11 photos )
The morning was spent organising all of our things, vacuuming Percy and attempting to plan where we were going.
We have until Saturday to kill, and a convenient way to do that is to drive South through Wales. Which is where we ended up.

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