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Tue, 05 Nov 2002

author Tim location Beckenham, Kent, London, England
posted 19:16 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/London 2 ( all photos )

The Real Guy Fawkes Night ( No photos )
Just a quick update. Liz and Margaret spent the day wandering around Bromley shopping for various things, while I opted out. Liz bought a replacement pair of shoes for the ones which have fallen apart she brought over with her.
Instead, I went to the nearby internet cafe and spent a couple of hours online chatting to people and looking for work. I'm about to send off a couple of applications, so who knows what will end up happening.
We did some washing at the local laundrette (as they are called over here), which ended up being quite expensive, but it was almost all our clothes we have with us, and hasn't been done since we were on Orkney!
We went up to one of the local pubs for dinner again tonight, where we all had the same - Steak and Ale pie.
Tomorrow will probably bring a trip around the county of Kent if the weather is reasonable. Lots more fireworks tonight for the real Guy Fawkes night - the other night was just an excuse to blow things up.

(permanent link to this story)
