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Sat, 09 Nov 2002

author Tim location Alkham, Kent, England
posted 20:58 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/South England/South England 1 ( all photos )

Country Kent, Dover ( 21 photos )
(Continued from London 2)

Finally leaving the noisy shackles of the B&B at Beckenham, we headed in a general South-East direction.
First stop was the little village of Plaxtol, buried in the middle of semi-rural Kent. This was where Margaret's mother was brought up. We saw the chapel where she got married (now a house), as well as where the farm used to be that she lived on. Quite a nice little town, and good to wander around on the narrow country roads.
Slightly hungry by this time, we headed over to Sandwich for a sandwich. We fed the ducks, and were perplexed when we couldn't actually find a sandwich shop.
Heading further down the coast, we spent an hour or two at various stops near Dover - famous for it's white, chalky cliffs. The weather was once again in our favor today, and we had a great time wandering around what was a suprisingly well-organised area. We had a great view down to the huge international ferry terminal, the main one to France.
Speaking of France, as we drove towards the coast, or phones beeped at us, saying "Welcome to Vodafone France!" Suprised to say the least, we could actually see France across the water, and found that we could tune into their radio stations too!
After a little driving around some random back areas looking for B&Bs to stay in for the night, we have ended up at the "Owler Lodge" guest house, in a little village called Alkham, three miles North-West of Dover.
Dinner was at a fish and chip shop in Dover (Liz gets things in her head and there's no changing her mind), before returning for a drink and dessert at the local pub in Alkham.
We're watching the Rememberance Day concert at the Royal Albert Hall on TV. Since the Queen is there, Margaret discovered yesterday when she wanted to go in for a look around that the security has been pretty tight.
People singing in memory of those injured or lost at war seems quite surreal given how strongly the government here seems to be wanting to go to war with Iraq.
I've nearly convinced Liz and Margaret to do some website updates, so stay tuned!

(permanent link to this story)
