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Sun, 10 Nov 2002

author Liz location Kingsbridge, Devon, England
posted 18:18 13/11/02 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/South England/South England 1 ( all photos )

Liz speaks!!! ( 15 photos )
On Sunday, we left the B&B and drove to Battle, which is just North of Hastings. This is the site where William the Conqueror defeated King Harold for the crown in 1066.
We did a self-guided tour, where we were given hand held radios which talked us through the battle between the two armies. Tim and I walked right around the battle-field site, and it was rainy, so we both got covered in mud. It was quite amazing to imagine what might have happened there so many years ago, and as there aren't many records of what actually did happen, imagination has played a key part in the story.
After all that, we decided to enjoy a Sunday roast lunch at the 1066 Hotel (yum!) and then we drove South. We stopped at Pevensey Bay, which is where my Mum used to go for holidays when she was a child. We went up to the 'beach' which consisted of pebbles, but for a change, there were a few good waves :) The pebbles must be a killer on bare feet though!
The rest of the day was spent driving around, finding a place to stay for the night, and that was about it due to the rainy weather. We ended up staying up in Offham, just North of Lewes.

(permanent link to this story)
