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Mon, 11 Nov 2002

author Liz location Kingsbridge, Devon, England
posted 18:18 13/11/02 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/South England/South England 1 ( all photos )

Liz speaks more!!! ( 41 photos )
Today, we were surprised to wake up to rays of sunshine streaming in through the curtains, and the it stayed sunny for most of the day.
We drove for most of the morning, mostly along motorways, but also taking a short detour through a few English villages that are apparently unchanged by time.
After a stop for a cup of tea, we headed into the New Forest. This place is gorgeous. All the trees are golden brown, and there are wild ponies all over the place - even on the road. We are staying in a farmhouse B&B, which has some very friendly horses just across the road.
We spent the afternoon at Beaulieu. We saw the National Motor Museum, where we saw heaps of cool cars (I liked the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost the best) and learnt how they were designed, manufactured and driven. The museum had so many different cars - from the first ones ever made in Britain, to the fastest land speed record wheeled car. They even had a 'Ladies' car, just for me. Unfortunately, it has no reverse gear, so you have to get out, lift the back up by the handle, and spin it around in the direction you want to go!
After a short break for afternoon tea, we had a ride on an old restored red double-decker bus (very bumpy!) and then we went into the James Bond Car and Boat Exhibition. I, being a James Bond nut, had a ball. They have the Lotus from 'For Your Eyes Only', Little Nellie from 'The Spy Who Loved Me', The white shirt Jaws wears, and so much other James Bond memorabilia. Fantastic!
Next, we spent a few hilarious minutes playing with remote control cars on their own miniature dodgem track, until the rain started pouring down, forcing us to run for cover. We had a quick ride around the park on the monorail, and then headed back to our B&B.
Dinner was at a pub just up the road (all-you-can-eat-indian!) and then we spent the evening relaxing back in our room.

(permanent link to this story)
