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Sun, 24 Nov 2002

author Tim location Carlisle, Cumbria, England
posted 16:04 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/Carlisle/Carlisle 3 ( all photos )

A Few Days In and Around Carlisle ( 15 photos )
Peter's party went off without a hitch, although I was not well enough to pop out more than a few times. Everyone else seemed to enjoy themselves, and Peter now has a great collection of strange alcoholic beverages people have given him. Liz and I provided a crockery set, which came in handy with all the people, and Margaret a book of David Attenborough's new series The Life of Mammals, which has just started.
I'm now feeling much better - it was an annoying little bug that stuck around for a few more days than it was welcome, but good to have it gone.
Other things we have done included Liz and I going out last night to see Die Another Day (the new James Bond flick). They are plugging it so hard here - there's two or three things about it on TV/radio/magazines every day. All in all, it was quite good, although our particular screening of it was a little spoiled by the fire alarm going off right at a crucial moment, taking the movie with it.
Since we are in the middle of an eight-day fire-fighter's strike at the moment, this was a cause for a little concern. Proved to be a false alarm however, and a few moments later we were back into the crazy action.

Today we all went for a drive to a truly country village called Mungrisdale, where we took part in the now traditional Sunday lunch. My appetite is still not fully returned (probably a good thing), so I had a jacket potato instead.
A quick walk around the area before we headed back to Peter's place, stopping off at an over-grown tourist information place along the way.

Where we will be in the next week or so is completely up in the air at this stage. Liz is trying a new tact with her nursing, meeting with a different agent and her friend on Thursday to discuss some plans. I've applied for more jobs, and need to make some gentle prodding enquiries tomorrow as to exactly what they are doing about them all.
Tomorrow we drive to Lincolnshire.

(permanent link to this story)
