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Wed, 04 Dec 2002

author Liz location Beckenham, Kent, London, England
posted 11:18 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/London 3 ( all photos )

It's getting chilly ( 4 photos )
Well, the last few days have been quiet. Tim has a bad cold and so we have not been very active.
We went and met our prospective housemates (oohh...just like Big Brother!) on Monday night and they are all really friendly. There will be six of us in the house, with just one bathroom, but they assured us it usually works out just fine. An hour after we left their house, we received a phone call saying they'd love us to move in.
We are both very excited, and can't wait to move into our new home. Roll on Saturday week!
Apart from that, we have found a replacement for Tim's glasses which he lost on Sunday. They are the really cool flexible ones that bend into bizarre shapes without breaking. As an added bonus they really suit Tim. Now that he can see again I think I'm going to drag him to the latest Harry Potter movie later today.
Up until the last day or so, the weather has been cool, but not too bad, but now there are freezing winds blowing in from Russia (-10 degrees C or so), which are starting to make things very cold. We aren't too bothered at this stage though, as it simply means there will probably be more snow, which means we get to build a bigger snowman at Christmas :)

(permanent link to this story)
