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Fri, 13 Dec 2002

author Tim location Golders Green, Greater London, England
posted 00:27 GMT 17/10/2002 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/London 3 ( all photos )

Move Complete! Jade's Birthday ( 8 photos )
So we've moved in to our new home! The move went fine - we were most suprised at how little time it took us to get here (granted it was on a Sunday), and how little went wrong.
We are really enjoying it here - the single room in the B&B was getting a little claustrophobic. There's lots of new things to learn about - which cupboards are ours in the kitchen, which part of the fridge, which jobs you have to do in your section of the housework. At least it makes it nice and simple for everyone here with a few reasonable ground-rules.
One of the most useful things about the place is that it has 24hr fast internet access, meaning you can feel free to email, ICQ or just generally contact us as you wish!
Even though it's been a little while since our last update, not a huge deal has been accomplished besides the move. Liz has done a couple more nursing shifts, still in the same place she was before. She is not over-enthusiastic about the work, but it is money coming in which is greatly needed. She is actually working a night shift at the moment.

While Liz was on night shift, the timing worked out for me to go into the infamous brb Bar in London (we have been there a couple of times before), where I met with friend from Sydney Jade to celebrate her birthday. I met a huge number of new people, mostly also in IT, and with the exception of one, all from Oz or NZ. Strange how that happens on the other side of the world. We wandered randomly around Chinatown afterwards and eventually ate at a Chinese Restaurant of some description.
My journey home involved becoming acquainted with the night-bus system, which is considerably more confusing than the one in Sydney. Also, nobody at the station had the vaguest idea how it worked, and sent me on a wild goose chase attempting to work out how I would get home.

(permanent link to this story)
