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Sun, 12 Jan 2003

author Tim location Golders Green, Greater London, England
posted 21:05 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Goodbye Margaret! West Finchley ( 29 photos )
Well, Margaret should have touched down in Sydney an hour ago - we haven't heard from her since she left here last night, but I'm sure it was all ok. It's been good having her here for a while, and now of course she is going to be missed. Not the least by Liz!
In the past few days it has been finishing off the week of work, and spending a bit of time relaxing.
In the great tradition of breaking our plans totally, we have now decided to keep Percy a little longer. Basically we are back to paying a huge amount for the insurance, but since it is being spread out monthly and I'm working now it's not so terrible.

So, we set off today to have a look at the place where my mum and her friends stayed when they were living here many many years ago - up at 7 Western Court, West Finchley. By a large fluke, that's only about ten minutes drive from where we are living. Strange how things play out. Hopefully this will help revive some long lost memories!
After we wandered around for a while, we drove over to Cherry Tree Wood in East Finchley - a very pretty little woodland tucked away in suburbia.

Liz has just found a message left on our home MessageBank thingo (like an answering machine that lives in phone-company land) from her nursing agency. Apparently, her registration has come through, but she needs to now pay another hundred pounds for the registration itself, and then wait at least ten days after that before she can work.
A mixed blessing, because she now is not sure what to do for that period of time, while I'm at work. We'll keep you posted.
The weather has been much warmer - about two or three degrees each day now. It took about four days after the heavy snow for the ice to melt - until then the hospitals were full of people who had fallen over. It was all we could do to not join them!

(permanent link to this story)
