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Sun, 19 Jan 2003

author Tim location Golders Green, Greater London, England
posted 21:32 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Another Week ( No photos )
Yes, due to working they are starting to really fly by now. The only consoloation is that we can start to look forward to travel again. Oh, and of course Liz finally being able to work - she's still awaiting her registration. At this rate it will come in just before we leave!
Going out on a limb once again and talking about plans we are bound to change, we have one major thing on our horizon - a trip to Gallipoli for ANZAC Day. Since we have for many years got up hideously early to do dawn service marches around Sydney, and we are going to miss it this year, we thought we'd go one better.
This was all ok when we first thought of it, but now apparently John Howard has come out and listed it as a possible terrorist target at that time. While making us a little nervous, we still think we will get over there, stay out of the cities and packed-areas, surfacing only for the all-important dawn service.
Far from having a set plan as yet, Liz is researching some of the organised trips to see what the deal is. We may end up renting a car for a week or so, and having a look around Istanbul, making a little "holiday within a holiday" out of it.

Since the last update, we have of course done a few things:

Weather is still managing to suprise us, with it getting to about ten degrees by 8:30 most days (according to the thermometer near work), staying there, before plummeting to around three or four overnight. No more snow unfortunately.
We are edging closer to having a bank account open over here - the pre-requisites are enough to make us want to leave it open forever once we finally get it open. Pay wasn't going to come in from my job until the middle of Feb(!), but I hope to get something organised soon on that front. It's quite hard not having worked since August!
We have an interview for a National Insurance number in a couple of weeks. It's similar to a Tax File Number, and you need one to work. We had heard it could take up to eight months just to get the interview, so lucky that came through faster than we had braced ourselves for.
Oh, has anyone seen or heard from Jade Chin? We have been trying to contact her for a while now with no success.
(permanent link to this story)
