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Sun, 02 Feb 2003

author Tim location Golders Green, Greater London, England
posted 17:27 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Another week comes to a close ( 12 photos )

Most of yesterday was spent in rest after the excesses of Friday night!
Today we decided to head into London to tick off a few of the more touristy sites. First on the list was The London Dungeon, which Lonely Planet summarises as "long on gore, short on substance". We tend to agree, although the ticket price was just right as we had a two-for-one voucher. Not worth full price.
Next stop was the Shipwright's Arms pub just up the road (we were near Tower Bridge and London Bridge for most of the day) for a great cheap lunch before heading to Winston Churchill's Britain At War Experience.
This, similarly to the London Dungeon, seemed to cater more to the child's attention span than a proper museum would, as there was a lot less in it than we expected to find. However, what was there was quite engrosing - this one was worth the trip.
A walk around the area took us to a bookshop where we purchased the Lonely Planet Turkey guidebook. We have been most impressed with the Europe and Britain guides we have so far, and Liz as I write is eagerly reading all about the place.

Weather is still what they call "mild" here, which means good. In Australia that means bad. Anyway, it's better than the frozen days earlier this week - almost everything has thawed now. There is just a sad-looking pile of white debris where once the snowman stood.

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