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Sun, 09 Mar 2003

author Liz location Cricklewood, Greater London, England
posted 09:27 GMT 16/03/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

London Transport Museum Depot ( 31 photos )
On Sunday, we caught the ThamesLink (an overland train), from just near our house, into the city, and we went to The London Transport Museum Depot. This is a huge warehouse where they put all the old tube trains and double decker buses and various bits of transport memorabilia that doesn't fit in the actual museum itself. The Depot is only open to the public a few times a year, so we were lucky that we were around on one of the days it was open.
We spent a couple of hours wandering around old tube carriages (build in the 1930's, or even older), old buses that had to be hand cranked, models of what the tube system looks like underground, and hundreds of old signs from all the tube stations.

Next we headed to Earl's Court for some lunch at the Earl's Court Tavern, and then we met up with Marty who works in nearby Trekmate (similar to Kathmandu). We then became the proud new owners of a rucksack, complete with daypack and also a moneybelt. We came out here with two large suitcases and one medium sized backpack, but have decided that we need a larger pack for our trip to Turkey and Amsterdam (more about that in a bit), and so we finally got around to making a purchase.
We headed home and spent the evening making Nachos and watching TV.

(permanent link to this story)
