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Sun, 23 Mar 2003

author Tim location Spittalfields, London, England
posted 18:51 GMT 25/03/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Work on a Sunday ( No photos )
Sunday morning was a little slow as the true scale of the previous night dawned on us, but no rest for the wicked as we were awoken to the sound of my mobile ringing - being called into work! Aaaaargh! So we piled into Percy (yes, Liz came too, complete with dark glasses), and drove into work. I was only there for three hours, during which Liz had a good look around the very busy Spittalfields markets, coming away with some great olives, cheese, a chicken, general lunch stuffs and a plant for our room.
My laptop power-supply has been playing up recently, and the sparks it was emitting, although colourful, were enough to convince me that one of the cables needed replacing. The computer market near work came to the rescue as Liz physically restrained me from buying more goodies. Damage - £4.
Most of the afternoon was spent basting and preparing our huge chicken for roast dinner (yum!), relaxing on the lounge, chatting to house mates and then finally watching a video. All that excitement was enough as we headed to bed very early in preparation for our big week.

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