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Tue, 25 Mar 2003

author Tim location Spittalfields, London, England
posted 18:51 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Plans ( No photos )
Upon waking up this morning, Liz decided that her sore throat and the lack of sleep that had caused was too much to make it to work.

Plans are shaping up for the future - we are organising a trip up to the one remaining part of England we haven't seen - East Anglia. This has worked out well as Greg from work is racing cars up there that weekend just outside of Norwich at Snetterton. We aim to stop at long-time family friends Les and Pearl's place for the night on Friday night before having a decent look around the area.
For the weekend after that, our flights to Amsterdam are booked (the beauty of the Thameslink train near us is that it goes straight to Luton airport in about 30 mins!), and we are still trying to finalise the purchase of a kombi and how we are to get back (probably on a ferry).
Then the weekend after that, we are off Turkey for two weeks, US bombing patterns and international relations permitting.
I hope to have another couple of months work after we return, and that leaves us just in the middle of June, when we want to hit the road for Europe!

(permanent link to this story)
