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Tue, 01 Apr 2003

author Tim location Spittalfields, London, England
posted 12:35 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

April Fools ( No photos )
Haven't found any really silly jokes yet, bit of a let-down really. They don't seem to get on board with the jokes as much as they do back home.
So, where are we? I have just sent off the email to The Netherlands picking a Volkswagen Bus for us to drive at long last! I'll post details later once they are confirmed, but it should be quite a nice little machine.
Liz seems better this week and now as a "line" of work in an Endoscopy ward which she seems to being enjoying. She was working with four other Aussie girls in the ward yesterday, so seemed to fit in well.

As plans form for this weekend, we are aiming to drive out to Les and Pearls at Hornchurch late on Friday night, then head up to stay at the Tower Cottage Bed and Breakfast in the little coastal village of Winterton, on the coast in Norwich on Saturday night after having a decent look around, before heading back inland to see Sunday's racing action at Snetterton.
I am on nights next week, which should do my body clock lots of damage.
[We journeyed to Essex and East Anglia that weekend.]

(permanent link to this story)
