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Thu, 17 Apr 2003

author Tim location Spittalfields, London, England
posted 12:37 BST section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Back in the Big Smoke ( No photos )
Now that we are settled a little back into work in London, it's almost to time up-root and travel to Turkey.
We are flying Turkish Airlines on-stop from London Heathrow. Our flight leaves at 11:45am tomorrow (18/04/03), and should take four hours or so.
From the 22nd April, we are on an organised tour with On the Go Tours, the local contact for which is Andrew Bailey, Fez Tours, +90 212 516 9024. We have also registered with the Australian Consulate just in case.
Here's a few more interesting Turkey-related links: Turkish Travel Planner, Australian Embassy, Turkey, and The Visit Gallipoli Page, which has information on the Dawn Service we will be attending.
Pretty exciting time for us to get to get going once again! After this trip we will have a month and a half or so in which to work hard before throwing it all in and travelling.

In other news, Percy had a nice visit from someone with a white vehicle, the result of which was some rather unpleasant scratches down his side. The evening we discovered that (Tuesday), we drove him out to Les and Pearl's, where he is now resting in the driveway. I just received an email from them saying that they have been kind enough to polish the majority of the scratches off! Thank You Both!
So he will stay there, while Rosie is living with friend from work Alwin, who drove her home from work the other morning (after I had driven her in through the rush-hour London traffic!), and almost kept going to Dover! He was pretty nostalgic, since he has done the combi tour thing before and wanted to keep going! He resisted, however, and that brings to two the number of vehicles now parked relatively safely at friend's places, on opposite sides of London for the duration of our Turkey trip.
The weather in London is stupid at the moment, I think today is the first day since we arrived back in August where the London temperature, at 22 degrees, is higher than the temperature reported in Sydney (18 last I checked)!! I actually didn't wear my coat to work for the first time!
I have re-signed my contract here through until the middle of June now, and there are people confirmed to take our room at Cricklewood, so that means the only outstanding issue is to find a buyer for Percy when we return from Turkey. Liz aims to just get as much work as she can handle from the Nurse Bank at her current hospital, since now that she has "proven" herself there seems to be plenty on offer.

(permanent link to this story)
