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Sat, 10 May 2003

author Tim location Spitalfields, London, England
posted 08:45 BST 19/05/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 2 ( all photos )

Greenwich Again ( 12 photos )
We took a trip to Greenwich once again (we did a walk around there a while ago), this time with the main aim of attending the highly-recommended National Maritime Museum. This was a great day wandering around the exhibits, including an impressive model of the Endeavour and all of the crew, which we just managed to fit in before closing time. We had a quiet drink at one of the great pubs on the Thames down there before heading back to Joel's sister Eve's place at Camden.
This was a house-warming party for a new housemate where we met lots of new people, ate a great BBQ (a strange event over here!), and had quite a wild night.

(permanent link to this story)
