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Mon, 26 May 2003

author Tim location Cricklewood, London, England
posted 21:50 BST 03/06/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 2 ( all photos )

Tower of London ( 46 photos )
Enjoying our long weekend, Monday we again headed back into town to take a walk up the Thames from Blackfriars towards the Tower of London. This was something we had thought about doing way back when we first arrived in London, but balked at the cost. It's strange how it doesn't seem so bad anymore, but if anything the prices are actually higher.
We had a great Yeoman Warder tour guide (who actually lives in the Tower) showing us around who genuinely seemed interested in what he had to say, coping well with the huge public-holiday crowds.
Things in there we saw included Traitor's Gate (where water access allowed people-smuggling for many a year), the Ravens, the White Tower (the dominant part of the Tower which houses lots of armour and the like), lots of ghastly torture and execution gear, and of course the Crown Jewels. The latter we viewed from the comfort of a travellator thing which meant you had to read very fast and attempt to appreciate it all. I guess it keeps the crowds down at least.
Wandering out the exit feeling rather hungry, we found a satisfactory cheap-ish lunch at a restaurant by the Thames before wandering home to while away the afternoon and evening.

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