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Sun, 01 Jun 2003

author Tim location Cricklewood, London, England
posted 21:50 BST 03/06/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 2 ( all photos )

Bits for Rosie ( No photos )
Sunday was less painful than I expected, so Liz and I took a walk up the road to Halfords, looking for bits for Rosie. We have a reasonable list of outstanding equipment, including a stereo - quite important we have discovered on our last few trips without one. We picked one out and put a deposit on it.
Liz noticed that across the road from there was a Sainsburys store (big supermarket). Sure, there are supermarkets closer than that to us, but she knows from a mile away that she can get her favourite Raspberry and Custard Danishes there, and there's no stopping her!
We got the bus back home and spent the rest of the afternoon doing some planning for our forth-coming trips.
House-mates Maddy and Panella managed to convince us to go out for the night to the Walkabout at Shepherd's Bush. We hadn't been to that one, but it is the most popular one around, so we thought we'd give it a go. After a journey with a fun mini-cab driver, the pub turned out to be very packed, hot and dirty, not really our scene at all, so we had a couple of Snakebites and left, back home on the bus.

(permanent link to this story)
