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Tue, 03 Jun 2003

author Tim location Cricklewood, London, England
posted 21:50 BST section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 2 ( all photos )

Looking Around London a few Last Times ( No photos )
It's getting to the point where we have precious little time remaining in London, so we are attempting to make the most of it. This is one of the reasons why the journal is falling by the wayside.
We have just made a rough plan for what is going to happen once we do leave London on Sunday the 15th June (less than two weeks away!). We are taking a very round-about way first to Stonehenge and then The Eden Project way down in Cornwall. From there we drive through South Wales, having a very quick look around before piling onto a ferry bound for Ireland from Fishguard.
Ireland for two and a half weeks (including my birthday spent with Gail, who used to work with me in Sydney, and also has the same birthday!), then ferry back to Fishguard, drive across England stopping off possibly in Oxford and Cambridge, before getting a ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland.
Or maybe we'll do something completely different!

(permanent link to this story)
