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Sun, 14 Sep 2003

author Tim location Padova, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italia
posted 11:15 CEST 16/09/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/Italia ( all photos )

Around Venezia ( 44 photos )
We got an early start, back on the bus, into Venezia for what was going to turn out to be one of the top three days of our entire trip (the other two being ANZAC Day and North Cape). The weather had turned fantastic, providing blue sky, warmth and much better photo opportunities than the previous day.
Almost the entire day was spent just wandering, sometimes with a general goal in mind, other times just aimlessly. All the time, admiring the little things which combine to make this city different. The uniformity of the round concave doorbells on all the dense houses, the washing lines strung across the streets shared by neighbours, the music in the background, the Carnivale masks everywhere, street cafés and of course the ever-present water.
We met with a couple from Manly, exchanging cameras for photos on the waterfront. They were staying in a hotel where the management had little care for the fact that they had been kept awake all night by rats - a problem we at least don't have to face with Rosie! Also, the fact that they only had about two weeks left for their Europe trip due to work rammed home the fact that we should view our over two months still remaining as quite a long time, even though it doesn't seem so!
It was fantastic to be in a city where you had to walk everywhere, except for long distances (although we walked those too) which could be covered by boat. No cars, no vespas (the scooters which the Italians invented and weild relentlessly at pedestrians in all other cities here), and suprisingly no hawkers.
We stumbled across an Internet café somewhere, where we paid a rather large amount of money to just check our emails. We may not be able to plug the laptop in anywhere in this country, as the government requires even users of the normal computers in the internet cafés to have their identity logged - we had to give my student card over to be photocopied! Talk about paranoia.
After going back through San Marco Piazza once again, getting some photos in the far better light, we pushed further and further east, to the ends of the island that only the brave tourists seem to tackle. It was suprisingly just how quickly the crowds thin out, replaced by far cheaper places to eat and locals going about their business. This was infinitely preferable to the thousands of shops selling almost identical combinations of tourist junk and over-priced ice cream.
We got to the park at the end of the island, and decided that all our money saved by walking everywhere and cooking ourselves had earned us a bit of a splurge, we found a great little café frequented by locals. The friendly people running the place took our order as we sat in the sunshine and just enjoyed being off our feet, which were starting to hurt considerably. The fantastic food was about half the price we would have paid in the touristy sections, and as a bonus I think we saw about four other touristy-looking people wander past the entire time we were there. Nice and quiet relaxing there for an hour or so.
Saying goodbye to the serenity, we pushed back west through areas we hadn't seen, back-tracking a lot to try and get around. We hadn't got a decent map and didn't really care - everywhere you look there were people really worried about which street they were on and where they were going. Not the city to do that in. Just learn which rough direction the bus station is in and enjoy being very very lost.
At one stage, we found a little old man who appeared to be going somewhere interesting. Not having any more firm plans, we elected to follow him around White Rabbit style. He led us through some amazing back streets, at each intersection pausing and looking each way before deciding which way he wanted to go. Perhaps he was just as lost as us, we didn't care. It was another way to see places which even our random decisions probably wouldn't have taken us to.
Somehow we lost him, but he had gotten us back near one of the main drags, where we got a gelati to cool down on such a hot day. Next rough area to explore ws the north-shore, past Campo SS Giovanni e Paolo, an old church and square, parts of which are now the current hospital under restoration, as so much of the city is. We paused somewhere for a tripod shot.
Great view from the north prompted a stop for coffee to recharge our weary legs. Again away from the tourism a little, the prices were very cheap, considering we sat down at the outside tables (prices vary here depending on where you drink).
By now my knees and both our feet were giving us grief, so we considered Venezia thoroughly explored and headed back to the caravan park. It was a city we really didn't want to leave, and we felt that you could make a holiday just on its own. If only these places were a day trip away from Sydney...
A light dinner was cooked before we collapsed very weary from all our wandering.

(permanent link to this story)
