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Fri, 17 Oct 2003

author Liz location Barcelona, Espaņa
posted 11:09 CEST 25/10/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/Espana ( all photos )

The Rain in Spain, New Camera ( 4 photos )
On Friday, Tim, Marty and I all had a long sleep in until 10am after our big night our on Thursday. And then we didn't really do much but sit around relaxing, eat a big greasy breakfast complete with bacon and sausages, have hot showers and chat to each other. The weather was still awful outside, so that made it a big incentive to stay warm and dry inside!
At 3pm, the weather cleared a little, so we got off our lazy bums and walked out to the beach. The surf was really rough, and we got sprayed by sea water, but it was really nice to walk along the beach and listen to the waves breaking.
The storm over the last few days had washed away most of the sand on the man-made beaches and the water was very brown and there was quite a lot of rubbish on what was left of the sand, so it wasn't the best looking beach, but we still had a nice long walk all the way to the harbour where we had been the day before.
We stopped there for a late lunch. There were about eight small fast-food places to choose from, so I had fish and chips and Tim and Marty had burgers.
Feeling satisfied, we headed up La Rambla and then we turned off it to find some camera shops. We spent about two hours looking around various shops and exploring through the back streets. The good news is that Tim found a camera that he liked and at not too steep a price. So we bought it. It doesn't have as many features as the camera he lost, but he is much happier now he has a camera again, and we both think it is definitely worth having it for the memories.
It was now dark and raining once more. We made our way through the rain to a movie cinema that showed some movies in English, but finding none we were keen to see, we decided to get a taxi back to Marty's flat and stay out of the rain for the night.
We had some pasta and sausages for dinner and sat around chatting until we went to bed.

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