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Mon, 08 Dec 2003

author Tim location Carss Park, NSW, Sydney, Australia
posted 00:50 AEDT section Europe2002/Site News ( all photos )

Back to Reality ( )
OK, so it took me almost two weeks to update the website to say we were home - there's been lots happening! Celebrating my brother Peter's wedding, trying to organise a bedroom, computers, cycling around our new old world and of course meeting up with people.
I know we are still missing a week in France and Belgium back there, that will come soon, as will a tidy up of a lot of things. I'm not sure what will happen with all of this, I'd like to put together a DVD version with more photos and a better interface. Soon. Maybe.
Note also the new Tree-View in the Journal Archives. It's not finished yet but you can play around with it.

But besides that, the Europe 2002/2003 trip has drawn to a close. I'll continue ranting and raving over here, so update your bookmarks accordingly if you are interested. For my first entry, I've started with some excitement about how we were about twenty metres away from up to fifty shots fired and the surrounding chaos with friends yesterday.
We travel around the world for fifteen months with no (safety) problems whatsoever and the first pub we go to back home we have to run away from mad shooters.

(permanent link to this story)
